Skin care with proven results — developed by a pharmacist.
All Ray products are based on scientifically proven ingredients, without unnecessary additives and with a focus on effective dosages. Each ingredient is of natural origin and has proven effectiveness.
Safe for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and free from pigment disruptors.
Free from hormone-disrupting, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or immunity-disrupting properties.
ED Lists. (2024). Endocrine disruptor lists: Lists I, II, and III:
C(ancerogenic)M(utagenic)R(eprotoxic) list. European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
We test all our products for rapid biodegradability.
ED Lists. (2024). Endocrine disruptor lists: Lists I, II, and III:
C(ancerogenic)M(utagenic)R(eprotoxic) list. European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

The European Union sets high standards, but Ray goes even further.

Strict quality standards
All products meet their own, stricter quality standards. For example, ingredients on the EU's suspect lists are also resolutely avoided.

Local production
To ensure Ray's quality and transparency, all products are developed and produced in-house in the laboratory of Hilde Nys and her team in Nazareth, Belgium.

The continuous search for new active ingredients leads not only to the development of completely new formulas, but also to the refinement and improvement of existing products.
Every ingredient used in our formulations has been carefully chosen by Hilde and is backed by scientific research.

‘With Ray, we want to make healthy skincare accessible to everyone.’
Strong combination
Pharmacist Hilde and her son Thomas make a strong duo. She is the scientist who knows the ingredients and makes the formulas; he is the creative and strategic force of the brand.
Transparency and sustainability
Hilde and Thomas believe in transparency, sustainability and effective results-without harmful substances or empty promises. Both roll up their sleeves themselves in making, packaging and selling Ray-together with the rest of the team.